Imagination of a Dunk Trike
Someone thought about this Dunk Trike three wheel vehicle enough to make this image. The shape and enclosed cockpit have a nice blend.

The flairs may not suit everyone but are still neat. Could be useful for airfoils. A crowned rear wheel with a different front end setup may be all the package needs. We know of a Front Beam Assembly that will allow this trike to fly like an eagle. The driver’s ride height is close to a side by side arrangement. We look forward to seeing this trike especially with top notch craftsmanship. Could be a popular model.
We will be using 1/8 to 1/4 thick clear PVC for the body panels, Thermoforming will be employed to create the panels. UV issues may require a different material. Plastics seem to dry rot faster these days. Plastics that stay in an AC environment do not seem to have issues. There are no plans for the trike to stay indoors.
The body panels purpose is for wind and grit shielding and maybe rain. Light weight will be good if it does not oil can. The clear PVC will allow painting on the inside and stickers or wrap on the outside.